The ACC Tri-Colours Past Players and Members Group was launched in the winter of 2014, and has retained the name used by the Adelaide Cricket Club's Social Committee over many, many years.
Our intention has been to create and retain a Past Players & Members organisation which runs alongside the Adelaide Cricket Club itself, can focus more consistently on the Past Members themselves (without the distraction of day to day club business) and can retain a 'rainy day' fund for the purchase of one-off items deemed outside general club business.
An effective database of people and players who have previously formed some of the history of Adelaide Cricket Club now numbers in the 200's, with ongoing contact generally made by email. Our thanks to those many up-front financial members who we sincerely thank those for their early contribution and trust they take up the opportunity of the subsequent 'freebies' or reduced prices throughout the year at events and catch-ups. Contact Tri-Colours Treasurer, Trevor Neate, on 0402 317 794 or at [email protected] for information regarding the $50 annual membership.
Your ACC 'Tri-Colours' Committee is currently Ben Hook, Trevor Neate, Warren Smith, Andrew McIntyre, Erin Bernhardt, Paul Pasculli and Sam Williams. Contact Warren ' Bugsy' Smith with any queries or contact details on 0403 177 915, or at [email protected]
Events in 2018
Sunday 21st January 2018; 1.30pm start - LAWN BOWLING, BBQ, BAR & POOL TABLE - Millswood
Sunday 11th February 2018 - PAST PLAYERS & MEMBERS GAME, BBQ & BAR - Glandore Oval
Sunday 4th March 2018 - GOLF DAY, BBQ & DRINKS - Ashbourne

Adelaide CC Wicketkeepers - 21st February 2016 - Glandore Oval
L to R - Mike Hendricks, Steve Gentle, Warren Smith, Josh McLean, Tim Cameron & Alex Reardon

Past Players & Members Game, Glandore Oval, 12 February 2017
The last, 2016/17, Tri-Colours Past Players & Members Game was where it again became quickly apparent that we are not quite in as good a nick as we'd all like to think ! A nail-biter this time, with Paul Amato's son and the ageless Paul Pasculli stealing a run off the last ball to get "Jobby's Jokes" over the line
Missed by that much. Just ask 'Glashy'
The umpiring quality was questionable, however, with former champions of the club including Hendricks, Kildare, McIntyre, Neate and Pete Williams all quick on the trigger.
Hope to see you for a laugh at the next one

Damien Kitto & Darren McGlashan